Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Observations/rants about some of the Fall runway trends...

Here are a few I think we will see on a lot of people and a few others I hope to never see!

Ralph Lauren: Asian inspired looks paired with a red lip - not the brown/mahogany reds we have seen for several seasons, but a true RED. When paired with minimal blush and a clean lined eye it makes me think this is the top holiday trend.
DO NOT put this red lip with bright or really dark eyes unless you want to look like you are playing dress-up. If you are a drag queen, you are allowed to ignore this.
FYI- If you always wear a soft lip and have done the rest of your makeup to work with that color, just going in to a store and putting on a red lipstick is asking for trouble. Why would you expect it to look right? It is all about balance, so a better idea would be to wear a soft eye and try it on with that. When trying on a lipstick in a store - if the artist doesn't clean the lipstick with alcohol prior, you should ask for alcohol on a tissue, clean it yourself and let the store know that their makeup is not being kept sanitary. Don't be embarrassed,they are your lips and a dirty lipstick is about as dirty as it gets.

Prada: Another soft look, sparked with black liner in the inside rim of the eye. This trend showed up a lot this season - an easy way to take it to the real world would be to use a dark brown pencil (not shimmery) instead and keep the black for after 5. Waterproof pencils should NOT be used inside the eye - why would you put a waterproof product on a wet surface and expect good results? The only thing I would have changed is the pale, almost gone mouth. It always seems like a good idea, but really just ends up looking like you either forgot to do your lips or ran out of time.

Miu-Miu: Red eye shadow all over the lid? Ewwwww!!! Let's hope this doesn't catch on. Looked like an allergic reaction. A bad one. This was on the runway at numerous other shows - I'd name them, but they are all people we've never heard of. Wonder why?

Gucci: Warning! Don't try this at home! Ultra-pale skin with heavy black glittery liner/shadow and invisible brows and lips. The models looked like aliens, and I don't mean the pretty blue Avatar kind. I thought heroin chic was dead. Oh wait, it is.

Another trend that we are seeing and hearing about is purple everything: eyes, lips, nails. Literally everything. Although purple can be hard to wear for a lot of skin tones, there is almost always a way to incorporate it into your wardrobe. Polish on the toes is a no-brainer, even I could get away with that. But just because it is a hot color doesn't mean you have to put it on your lips or eyes or even worse, both. Don't let it overpower you. Pick a place and own it.

Can we PLEASE let go of these 2 (old) trends?
1. Hideous nail colors? Grey/green nails have to be the ugliest thing I have seen in ages! Obviously created by some male executive who hates women (it is so ugly, it has to be a joke). If you insist, at least use one with some frost - this helps a little. Very little, but a little.

2. Piling on the mascara! If done correctly, one or 2 coats is enough. I hear women say that it "opens" the eye, it makes their eyes show up, lashes look longer, etc. What it does is bring all the attention - both good and bad - to the eyelashes, not the eye and certainly not to your overall look. In a really bad case, it looks like 2 burn holes in a sheet! You may think it makes you look glamorous, but don't forget Tammy Faye Bakker and Courtney Love thought the same thing. Not good.

Oh well, so much for not offending anyone. 
Until next time...

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